.. _lambda_layer_toml: .. toctree:: :glob: ******************** Configuration Files ******************** ``lambda-layer`` configuration files are written in `toml `_. By default, when you run ``lambda-layer`` the application will look for a file called ``.lambda-layer.toml`` in the current directory (though you can supply an alternate path if you like). ====== Layers ====== A single configuration file can produce many `AWS Lambda Layer `_ packages. Each layer that you want to build within a single run should be defined within an array called "layers". name ==== This is the name of the layer. It will be part of the final package archive's name. version ======= This is the layer package version. it will be part of the final package archive's name. packages ======== List the python packages you want to include in your layer package just as you would in a `requirements `_ file. ======= Example ======= .. code-block:: ini [[layers]] name = "my-first-layer" version = "0.0.1" packages = [ 'keras==2.3.1', 'requests' ] [[layers]] name = "another-layer" version = "1.1.0" packages = [ 'matplotlib', 'numpy' ]